Sunday, August 31, 2008

I d'eclair!!!

And the Daring Baker's strike again!!!

This month's challenge was ... guess??? Eclairs!!!

The elements of this challenge were three-fold... eclair shells, a pastry cream filling and a glaze... chocolate was a required ingredient but we had the choice of either a chocolate pastry cream or a chocolate glaze... or both!

The first challenge was making pastry shells, and preventing them from collapsing flat... To accomplish this, halfway through the baking, i had to rotate the two pans and prop the oven door open to allow any steam to escape and help the shells stay puffed up... One tray made it out fine but the other flattened out and remained moist in center, but so. what. ... Once they were out of the oven, I cut them in half, and set the tops on a rack to make it easy to drizzle them with the glaze

The pastry cream and glaze were the easy parts and, since we had a choice, we decided to make a bittersweet chocolate glaze for the tops and Steven was the lucky one to glaze them... See?

01 - Glazed Tops for Eclairs

02 - Another view of Tops

Now, I mentioned we had the choice of flavors for either the glaze or the pastry cream, but one HAD to be chocolate, and since we used chocolate for the glaze, I decided to go a little tropical for the pastry cream... We thought about mango but I had an inspiration and went with kiwi! I had Steven pipe the cream as opposed to spooning and this is what they looked like, post-piping...

04 - Topless Filled Eclairs

The kiwi gave the eclairs a beautifully earthy sweetness, and in the end, they looked like this...

05 - Finished Eclairs with Kiwi Pastry Cream

06 - Finished Eclairs Up Close

Of course, Steven and I took them to our respective jobs where they promptly disappeared... I d-eclair!!!

I'm excited about our upcoming open-house at the commercial kitchen that we rent occassionally... Lot's of stuff available for tasting and some things available to buy and take home to enjoy... More news to come VERY shortly!!!


Cynthia's Blog said...

Great title!! Yes, I guess lots of people had trouble with their second tray collapsing. I didn't even read the posts at the DB website, so I went into this one kinda uninformed. Yours look so pretty.

Patti said...

They look terrific!

Rachel said...


Lauren said...

kiwi! sounds like a great addition! nice job!

Mcwhisky said...

Wonderful eclairs you have there! :)

Dragon said...

These are gorgeous! Well done.

Anonymous said...

So pretty!

Robyn said...

Yours look great and I had the problem of some deflating as well.

Jenny said...

Kiwi? Omg what a wonderful idea! Any left? :-)

~Amber~ said...

Your eclairs are beautiful! Great job.